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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Samsung Galaxy A71 wgreen cover
Lost Place: Airport Bathrooms
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airlines: American Airlines
Flight Number: AA2004
Lost Date: Jan 26,2025
Lost Time: 21:0:00
Location Details: it was with me in the women bathroom located to the gate c10 at charlotte Douglas international airport , i was boarding on flight number AA2004 seat 36A group 9
Additional Information: i had to leave quickly they called for boarding and i was still in the bathroom , i didnt check it until i get in the airplane my husband call my number and the lady answered but she could not speak English then I believe she gave it to some one who was in charge . i talked to her she took my name and she tried to pass it to the airplane crew said that we have your information , just go to lost and found form and apply , but she said that you need to come an picked it from the airport, i am confused i do live in Jacksonville, please let me know what i should do , because i have my billing information and everything on this phone even i am waiting for respond for interview from hiring companies that i applied for. My phone is Samsung Galaxy A71 brand it has a green color cover written on the cover i love you and small hearts

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